The spirit Seed


Curriculum partner

MINKA is proud to offer Flower Essence Certification and courses through the Spirit Seed founded by Lindsay Fauntleroy.

This one of a kind Flower Essence Certification program integrates training in flower essence therapy with Five Element Theory of East Asian medicine, yoga, alchemy, and archetypes, while drawing connections to their cultural lineages. Classes are rooted in Indigenous and African Diasporic understandings of health, humanity, nature, and the cosmos. Spirit Seed classes guide you as you reconnect with the magic in and around you.

Lindsay is committed to uplifting the voices of our Ancestors’, as we actively participate in the co-creation of a harmonious future.

This training was developed in 2015 in partnership with Flower Essence Society. Spirit Seed classes integrate intuitive, imaginative, and experiential learning with embodied research and study.